The perfect gift for the mother-to-be: the pregnancy bola

Bola de grossesse wear with the Jumpsuit Bali cream. Two perfect gifts for the mother-to-be!

Le bola de grossesse; un doux cadeau pour la future maman

Always in the desire to share with you my discoveries that are good for the heart and the mind, I am very happy to unveil this little gem that I discovered during my coliving experience in Bali.

The pregnancy bola (or Harmony Ball) is a handcrafted pendant that Indonesian women wear on the belly and which offers a soft tinkling.

Le doux tintement créé par le bola rassurera bébé au fil de la grossesse et après sa naissance.

A beautiful jewel and a tradition that continues

This pregnancy bola is made in the purest Balinese tradition. Made of solid silver, it is decorated with a heart-shaped arabesque. It is worn on the belly, suspended from a silver chain.

Traditionally, Indonesian pregnant women wore it to ward off evil spirits and to protect their babies. They wore this ball with a bell inside that emits a soft sound when the mother-to-be moves.

As the baby's hearing begins to develop around the fourth month, it will be able to hear the sound of the bola bell. This soft sound, to which he will become more and more sensitive over the months, will rock him throughout the pregnancy. Once accustomed to this soft melody, the bola will continue to rock and soothe the baby after birth.

Authentic Indonesian handcrafted pregnancy bola engraved in arabesque heart.

Handcrafted jewel filled with history

The pregnancy bola is made, for generations, by Indonesian craftsmen with ancestral techniques very precise. Most often, it is a family affair because this know-how is carefully guarded and passed on (often) only from father to son.

Each bolas has been handmade by our Balinese craftsman in the greatest respect of the Balinese tradition.

Between softness and emotion this beautiful bola will melodiously rock the little prince or princess throughout the pregnancy as the tradition wants.

Give the perfect gift for the mother-to-be!

Discover our Mom Kit available for Mother's Day only and including our Bali EcoVero Jumpsuit and pregnancy bola. The perfect gift to offer to a mother-to-be, a friend, a sister! :)

Offer it as a gift to a mother to be pregnancy bola a friend, a sister!


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