My personal experience of healing with conscious breathing

The experience that changed my life

I met Annie at one of the most vulnerable times in my life. I was on a sabbatical year looking for a new direction. Anyway, on the surface, all this traveling to Indonesia sounded great, but on the other hand, my ego was suffering a lot from not being able to define myself through my work (which had always taken up a lot of space in my life as far back as I can remember). I had just sold everything and left everything to live the life of my dreams, but it wasn't as easy as it looked, believe me. To be alone in front of yourself, on the white page (the most beautiful one there is), is sometimes painful.

To add to that, a few months later, I found myself dumped by my boyfriend who I could see in my soup (I admit it). It's quite rare, but I admired him, because he was passionate about his work. Not to mention that at the same time, a long time friend of mine became a business partner and embarked me in a project of importing furniture made in China (for the Quebec market) ... a rather shitty project, let's say, not at all in line with my heart and my values, but which, for fear of lack of money at the time, seemed very attractive to me. Some time later, when I had financed 100% of the project, I saw her push herself away with the whole company ... thousands of dollars lost, not to mention the double feeling of rejection and betrayal experienced in the same week, and all this, in the middle of paradise, in the middle of a 3 month trip originally planned with my "lover", to finally find myself alone, devastated, lost and far from home.

But the Island of the Gods was not finished with me.

So I decided to go to Annie Langlois' yoga retreat in Bali, to find some comfort and alignment in this storm. I must say that I had already been following Annie's journey for quite some time and found her so inspiring. And she was there, in Bali, at the same time as I was, and her retreat started a few days after my (double) breakup. My lifeline was being handed to me outright. Anyway, I managed to grab the very last available seat and was looking forward to the class.

Annie and Isabelle in Bali, the meeting that changed everything!

My connection with Annie was instantaneous, despite my heavy grief and my feeling of total disorientation, we laughed so much together and I felt so much compassion and empathy for my grief that it gave me the strength to pull myself together. She was with me all week, like "my new BBF or soulmate sister" as I like to say. When you admire someone, you feel privileged to feel so close to them. By the way, as a little wink to life, the first picture we took together was taken by chance at 11:11am! Here is the screenshot that proves it. I guess that meant I was on the right track.

In great existential crisis and a little ironically, I ask him: "Well, where is the mega healing experience in Bali? I want to see the world making bacon...". She starts to laugh and she answers me: "Oh yes, you want to make the bacon, well come with me to the Bio Dynamics Breath And Release Trauma training that I give in the north of Bali, I guarantee you that you will make the bacon."

She checks to see if there's still room for a little stray sheep. Anyway, last minute booking (again) and up I manage to carve out a spot for myself in the "smoked bacon" adventure. Luckier with last minute deals than in love it seems hahaha...

Phew, it was the beginning of a great recovery for me. As a good Quebecer, I did see people making bacon, not disappointed on that point, but I saw a lot more than that. Conscious breathing is in fact a powerful anchor to release emotions and to deliver us from our biggest emotional wounds stored in different places in our body.

Demonstration on how to facilitate conscious breathing.

After two intensive weeks of theory on conscious breathing to the depths of my entrails, I launch myself, with a heavy heart, into my last day of workshop. My body naturally shifted to the fetal position on my right side. I had been suffering from a pinched nerve in my left shoulder for more than 10 years and it started to shatter (to make the bacon, yes!!!) ... For more than 30 minutes, without being able to stop the movement, my shoulder shakes and shivers. At that same moment, sweet tears were streaming down my face. I was loosening and releasing all the tension that had accumulated in that area over the years ... possibly a rejection injury that had been stored in my left shoulder all this time.

Isabelle and Annie (on the right on the picture) during a yoga retreat in Bali in the sacred mountain.

To this day, I still consider that moment to be one of the most beautiful moments of grace in my life because the feeling was so liberating.

Afterwards, I never again had pain in that shoulder, never again had my neck hurt to look to the left, never again asked my best friend to put his elbow in my shoulder (he'll admit it) to try to untie that nasty knot, never again felt a metal bar go through my shoulder. I was finally able to lighten my view of life by being able to observe everything around me more lightly.

Now, in each of my meditations, I introduce conscious breathing as an anchor and automatically, I feel my body relax in a few seconds. Even when I make love, I connect to my breaths so strongly that my body starts to shake and my orgasms are much more powerful (just saying... it doesn't just heal wounds, it also leaves more room for pleasure).

In short, conscious breathing is a very powerful tool for transformation and healing that I want to share with as many people as possible.

If you want to try it, my friend Annie is currently offering 3 FREE videos about the conscious breathing, I hope they will be beneficial to you. All you have to do is register by clicking here to discover the 3 secret gifts of conscious breathing. It's FREE!

3 vidéos gratuites sur la respiration consciente avec Annie Langlois

Who knows, it may be the greatest gift you've ever given yourself, a gift for life that will surely do you the world of good.

And remember, trust the process!

Isa C.

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