Experiencing the quarantine in co-living mode in Bali

The discovery of co-living concept in time of crisis

Today, I’d like to take a moment to write to you, dear fans, who have been supporting me for about a year in my big life adventure with MUJO ! As some of you know, in addition to being an eco-entrepreneur, I’m also a NLP coach. And for those actively following me on social media, I decided (with many doubts, to be honest), to experiment life in a community (co-living) in a little piece of heaven in Bali, called THE NYX, during these times of confinement and uncertainty. (You can follow my adventure on Instagram).

Avec mes soulsisters à Bali

Isabelle, surrounded by her soul sisters in Bali, wearing the MUJO Bali Jumpsuit with pride !

As you now, my goal with MUJO was to inspire you, and guide you to minimize your wardrobe (and daily life), but before all that, my will is to take you to a more human, sustainable, ethical way of living.

The past few weeks (2 weeks of confinement so far) have been a real rollercoaster for most of us...

In these times of changes and uncertainty, I invite you to think, all together about our future and what we can do to contribute and find an alternative healthier way of life, respectful of the nature around us.

I spent a lot of time wondering if I should go back to Montreal or stay in Bali, trying to embrace the fact that without my passport, I couldn’t go very far anyway (My passport is still in the immigration office at the moment).

For now, I decided to follow the “flow” and spend my quarantine in Bali, in spite of all the risks it implied, to fully submerge in the co-living experiences offered by THE NYX, a gorgeous place, focused on a return to a communal way of living, in touch with nature.After a few days here, I can already point out some benefits of this lifestyle on a long run. I love to think that this might be a solution for the future… And that I'd like to develop a similar concept in Québec…

Life in a community make you work a different way, live more, share, create, and especially coming out of your loneliness. By sharing our knowledge, resources, needs and skills, we’re learning to know each other better and to grow new abilities and interests.

Around here, the days are shared between co-creation, coworking (yes, many of the entrepreneurs/artists here, are self employed), workshops (I’m currently preparing a NLP intervention for the whole community tomorrow), gardening in the jungle, and, of course, the daily chores (housekeeping, cooking and so on !).

Isabelle C. eco-creator of MUJO in quarantine at the NYX, Bali.

As MUJO creator and NLP coach, I’d like to use these special moments of massive changes in our lives to share with you my coaching tools.

I’m therefore inviting you to join me on Facebook and Instagram each week, for us to enjoy the present moment together, and to take time to reconnect.

I’ve also created a coaching offer, specifically adapted to the situation in this triggering times, in order to lead you towards a simplified way of living, with health, humanity, ethic and meaningful actions, for you to share your talent to many, and to live to the fullest.


Isa C.

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